Helpful Insights from Healing With Angels

Springtime Allergies

Springtime Allergies

Springtime allergies can be so annoying. Your eyes and nose get all itchy and watery, you may sneeze and cough, have a sore throat, sinus headache, aches and pains, or even run a fever. It’s an overall “pain in the ____”.

The best thing you can do is avoid seasonal allergies altogether. How, you may ask? If you take an over the counter allergy suppressant, it does just that, suppress your allergy symptoms. It does not make your allergies go away. Some products minimize your body’s natural reaction to the allergen. These products are […]

Emotional Heart Health – Healing

Earlier this month, I wrote an article on heart health as it pertains to the physical well-being of your heart. We covered basic information on the heart and its activities, diseases, preventive medicine, nutrition, iridology and applied kinesiology. Just in case you missed it, here is the link:
Now, I would like to bring your attention to the emotional aspects of heart health. Mental activity (thoughts) provokes emotions, both negative and positive, which then effect our physical bodies. To understand or deal with the cause of many physical issues, one […]

Who do you Love?

What does Love mean to you?  How do you express it?  When do you feel it?  These are questions you should be asking yourself if you don’t feel enough Love.

If you think or feel you are not receiving enough Love, ask yourself…How much Love am I giving?  Most of us get caught up in feeling sad that we don’t have enough Love, but the truth is: IF YOU WANT TO FEEL LOVE…YOU MUST EXPRESS IT!  You see, when we feel the euphoric feelings of Love is actually when we are expressing it.  So if you […]

It’s Heart Month. Love Your Heart!

In February we celebrate heart month, so I find it impossible not to write about heart health from a Holistic perspective. Our heart is one of the most important organs in our body. It pumps blood though our circulatory system along with oxygen and nutrients to every cell of our body, and picks up carbon dioxide and other wastes.  Having a strong, well-functioning heart is essential to our body’s health and wellbeing.

Coronary heart disease is the most common form of heart disease and kills over 300,000 people annually.  In fact, it is the leading cause of […]