Helpful Insights from Healing With Angels

Celebrate LOVE this Weekend!

So what does Love mean to you? How do you express it? When do you feel it? These are questions you should be asking yourself if you don’t feel enough Love.

If you think or feel that you are not receiving enough Love, I would ask yourself…How much Love am I giving? Most of us get caught up on feeling sad that we don’t have enough Love, but the truth is: IF YOU WANT TO FEEL LOVE…YOU MUST EXPRESS IT! You see when we feel the euphoric feelings of Love is actually when you are expressing […]

Goal Setting vs Spiritual Guidance

Planning or Goal Setting vs Spiritual Guidance & Living in the Divine Flow:

On Wednesday,  I attended the Holistic Chamber of Commerce of Miami-Dade monthly meeting.  The topic of discussion was goal setting, which I think is a wonderful practice.  As Americans we strive to be productive and successful.  Although, when depression, menopause or illness hits, it’s harder to get motivated to do anything.  And you know how the joke goes right….?  If you want to make God laugh, tell him you have a plan for your life!  That is if God had a body, face, mouth or […]

2016 Healthy Lifestyle?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can be a difficult process. Your best strategy is be to ease in to it, take it slow. Let go of one not-so-healthy habit at a time and replace it with a healthy habit. I recently had a client that was ready to quit smoking. After an easy shift in nutritional habits and a few daily supplements, she let go of the cigarettes and began to exercise. In other words, she let go of a destructive behavior or habit and adopted a healthy and positive one instead.

If you falter, don’t get down […]

Avoid holiday weight-gain in 3 easy steps

3 steps to avoid holiday weight gain & after eating guilt:

The Holidays are here and most of us have lots of parties to go to. At each party there is so much fattening food and drinks available. So the question is: how do we avoid weight gain during the season?

Have a filling and satisfying meal or protein shake before you go to the parties, so it is easier to avoid temptation;
If you have a sugary or alcoholic drink, make sure you have a large glass of water in between drinks;
When you get to the […]