Helpful Insights from Healing With Angels

Sleep Deprivation

Sleep deprivation can cause irritability, drowsiness, lack of energy, high blood pressure, DNA disruption risk of diabetes, heart conditions, obesity, stroke, obesity and aging skin.

Lack of sleep is caused by many different reasons; such as: anxiety, day to day stress, worries, issues that you are not dealing with, improper nutritional habits and so on.  Whatever you are going through, your mind will keep you awake until you resolve it or put an action plan to it.  Proper nutrition, meditation, massage, healing, spiritual counseling, coaching these are just some of the ways in which a holistic practitioner can assist you […]

Allow Positive Thoughts to Create your Life


Allow Positive Thoughts to Create your Life

Have you ever monitored your thoughts as to realize where you are spending your thought energy on?  Are they positive thoughts; such as: what a beautiful day it is and how lovely the flowers are or are they negative thoughts; such as: anger, revenge, hostility or worry?

How about what you are talking about? Do you call a friend and all you do is complain about this and that?  Maybe you might feel a little better about it because you let it out, but in reality, the more you speak about something the […]

Communicate with your Guardian Angel

Communicate with your Guardian Angel on June 3 @ 1:00 to 3:30 pm @ Leapin’ Lizards in Portland, 449 Forest Ave, Portland, ME.

Learn all about the Angelic Realm  

What & who are Guardian Angels? What is their purpose?

Enjoy various experiences with your Guardian Angel under meditation  

Visualization of your Angel  

Auditory – Hear their voice  

Sensory – Sense their presence & touch Receive message that you have been waiting for.

One-on-one Guardian Angel Readings available […]

Heal with Angels – Portland, Maine

Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Heal with Angels now has an office in Portland, Maine.  We offer many services such as: massage, nutrition plans, nutritional counseling, health coaching, natural health consultations, iridology, applied kinesiology, medical intuition, emotional intuition, homeopathy, guided meditations, spiritual counseling, Guardian Angel Readings, Hands-on healing (mental, physical, emotional & spiritual), energy clearing and blessing (office/home), spiritual workshops and retreats, natural health & nutrition workshops, lifestyle workshops and more.

Call, text or email for an appointment today at 305-807-8998;  We are open all weekend long!

Blessings to you all!