Springtime Allergies

Springtime Allergies
Springtime allergies can be so annoying. Your eyes and nose get all itchy and watery, you may sneeze and cough, have a sore throat, sinus headache, aches and pains, or even run a fever. It’s an overall “pain in the ____”.
The best thing you can do is avoid seasonal allergies altogether. How, you may ask? If you take an over the counter allergy suppressant, it does just that, suppress your allergy symptoms. It does not make your allergies go away. Some products minimize your body’s natural reaction to the allergen. These products are better, but they are still pharmacological products with side effects. Some can cause drowsiness or nervousness.
Thankfully, there are natural, homeopathic remedies that work with the body to calm its natural response to allergens and have absolutely no side effects. What you are allergic to and how your body responds to these allergens will determine which product or treatment is best for you. In a Natural Health Consultation, I use Iridology to see any health issue you are going through as well as inherited weaknesses and strengths, so that I may practice true preventive medicine. Then I use Applied Kinesiology to test you for different food and environmental allergies. This is a much easier, painless and quicker way to test for allergies vs. needles and actually using the allergen on you. At the end of the session, I provide my suggestions and recommendation of products to use to minimize your allergic reactions.
Watch out as you walk around Miami as the Mango’s are in bloom and there is a lot of pollen out there!
Alina Nunez, Certified Natural Health & Holistic Nutritionist, Minister, Healer & Massage Therapist
Heal with Angels @ 305-807-8998 – alinanunez@healwithangels.com

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