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5 Steps to Eliminating Insomnia

There are many reasons we experience insomnia.  Some are chemically induced; such as taking certain medications or consuming stimulating foods and beverages that can cause us to wake up in the middle of the night and find that we can’t get back to sleep.  Other reasons include pain, discomfort, too much light or stimulation, like from our technical devices, or temperature being too hot or cold.  Emotional reasons can be that we are worried or are upset, depressed, anxious, overwhelmed, experiencing change of life stress, or perhaps because there is something we are not dealing with that we need […]

Women & Heart Health

In the past, researchers focused more on men when it came to heart disease than women.  Now since more women are experiencing some form of heart disease, they are finally spending some money on researching the causes of heart disease in women and how they differ from the causes in men.  In the field of Natural Health or Holistic Health, we believe that 85% of heart disease comes from food allergies.  Yes, you heard me, something as simple as food allergies.  I say simple, because it should be, but actually most food allergies are so minimal that they do not […]

2016 Healthy Lifestyle?

Adopting a healthy lifestyle can be a difficult process. Your best strategy is be to ease in to it, take it slow. Let go of one not-so-healthy habit at a time and replace it with a healthy habit. I recently had a client that was ready to quit smoking. After an easy shift in nutritional habits and a few daily supplements, she let go of the cigarettes and began to exercise. In other words, she let go of a destructive behavior or habit and adopted a healthy and positive one instead.

If you falter, don’t get down […]

Avoid holiday weight-gain in 3 easy steps

3 steps to avoid holiday weight gain & after eating guilt:

The Holidays are here and most of us have lots of parties to go to. At each party there is so much fattening food and drinks available. So the question is: how do we avoid weight gain during the season?

Have a filling and satisfying meal or protein shake before you go to the parties, so it is easier to avoid temptation;
If you have a sugary or alcoholic drink, make sure you have a large glass of water in between drinks;
When you get to the […]